Candy and Jay Krueger

Please remember our class in your prayers as we attend our preordination retreat at the Mary & Joseph Retreat Center Thursday, April 27th through May 3rd.   Diaconate Journey…The Deacon at Mass – Holy Family Church  (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes)

April 22, 2017 we continue our diaconate journey… we met at St. Louis of France for our last all group day. On Thursday, April 27, we begin our week long retreat at the Mary & Joseph retreat center prior to ordination. Our next class will be May 6th at Alemany High School.

Today was our last all group day.  All classes met today and the year one class received their class name.  They are now known as the Mother Cabrini class. In the afternoon each class met with their facilitators for next year.  Currently there are 88 Candidates in formation within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.  There are over 400 active Deacons within the Archdiocese.  The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Formation Class met with Deacon Shane Cuda, the Director of Deacons in Ministry for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

One of the areas discussed was what requirements are needed to be done after ordination in order for our “facilities” (the ability to be an active deacon within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

  • Virtus training (i.e. Safeguard the Children) must always be kept current.
  • A minimum of 20 hours of continuing education on an annual basis.
  • One weekend retreat annually.
  • You must be assigned to a Parish by the Archbishop or his delegate.
  • For the first three years after ordination, attend three hour training sessions on a quarterly basis.

As a Deacon couple, we are encouraged to attend the celebration of the Feast of St. Lawrence during which Deacons recommit their pledge to the Archbishop, attend the memorial service in November during which all Deacons and their spouses who have passes away are named and remembered, and the Christmas celebration.  It was also suggested that the local deanery meetings be attended. We have been attending Deanery meetings for the past three years and were invited this year to attend the other Diaconate events.

As of April 22nd there are 48 days until ordination.  Please remember all of us in the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Diaconate class in your prayers we enter into our last months of formation.

And our Diaconate Journey continues…

If you have any questions about what we have experienced in the diaconate (aka “that deacon thing”), please ask us or send us an e-mail to

If you are interested in becoming a Deacon or a Deacon Couple for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, please contact:

Diaconate Formation Office Archdiocese of Los Angeles
3424 Wilshire Boulevard, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010-2241 213-637-7383

Upcoming Diaconate Information Days:

Sunday, July 23, 2017 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at St. Dominic Savio Parish, 13400 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower, 90706
Candy & Jay Krueger, Diaconate Formation, Year V,

Holy Family Church, South Pasadena, CA

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