Page 27 - Aug2012v2

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Some of us will be tapped gently, some of us will be called to God through oth-
ers, some through a miracle, some through pain. Others will be called but will
not respond, like the rich man in the Gospel. I know God is real. I know that Je-
sus Christ walks with me every day. But I did not always have this awareness,
nor do I always trust that my experience is real.
Jesus Christ walked the earth in a world that knew agriculture and stayed near the
Sea of Galilee ˀ so he spoke in parables of wheat, vineyards, sheep and fishing.
If He lived in the jungle, perhaps He would have talked about parrots, monkeys,
rain and trees. If He was around today He might speak in parables having to do
with traffic, single parent families and television. He calls us through what we
know, perhaps, when we finally hear His call in our life ˀ at whatever point this
may be - we are really just responding to what has been stamped on our hearts
before time. How is God calling you?
From St. Ignatius ˀ the Spiritual Exercises.
God's Love shines down upon me like the light rays from the sun; his love is
poured forth lavishly like a fountain spilling forth its waters into an unending
stream. Just as I see the sun in its rays, and the fountain in its waters, so
God pours forth himself in all the gifts which he showers upon me. His de-
light and his joy is to be with me. He cannot do enough to speak out his
love for me - ever calling me to a fuller and a
better life. "Come" he says, "come to me. Open
your hearts to me. Put your trust in me. I will
give you everlasting peace. I will flood your
souls with the living water of eternal life. I will
never leave you or forsake you. Lo, I will be with
you until the end of the age.ˉ
Volunteer Coordinator