Page 29 - Aug2012v2

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These seem like insignificant events but in the way Jesus asks us to be his
disciples and to be his example of servant leadership we must ask for hu-
mility in whatever we do. When we go through each day we have many op-
portunities to take actions that will either add or detract from the situation
at hand. We need to be aware of what we do affects others and in turn re-
flects on us. We need to remember that each action we take enables us to
do God˅s work and to be of service to our neighbors.
We must be aware of the self-seeking pride in what we do and in what po-
sitions we find ourselves. It is easy to be seduced by this authority and self
-importance. But we must reflect on: ˈWhoever exalts himself will be hum-
bled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. The path to being a
blessed disciple and doing God˅s work begins with the little things we en-
counter day to day. Let˅s all Walk the Walk of Jesus.
"Lord Jesus, teach me your way of humility
and servanthood that I may walk in love as
you have loved me. Fill me with the joy of
servanthood that I may know the true free-
dom of selfless love and generous service
for my neighbor."
Henry Provencio