Page 7 - Aug2012v2

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described the kingdom of heaven being like a large net of all the fish in
God˅s creation, including both the old and the new, the good and the bad.
In the end, the good will triumph over evil.
I distinctly remember that when I came home from Nicaragua, I realized
that my world and culture had been measured largely by
. Pro-
gress was good; being stagnant was bad. This dualistic, black and white
thinking has, needless to say, gotten me into a lot of trouble in my spiritual
journey, and by the grace of God in the last few years, these readings have
rung true for me. We need both progress and setbacks, and, in fact, the
Lord exists as the kernel of truth in all realms of this beautiful life.
Lord, I invite you to dwell in me, so that I
may see you in the face of my community
in all of its humility and glory. Your word
reveals that any progress in our eyes is
really the stroke of your loving hand. I
pray that you will release me from my du-
alistic mind so that I may realize the ne-
cessity of each experience and of all
creation. May the Nicaraguan fish vase
below remain a symbol for me of your
vast, life-giving kingdom as I pray in Je-
sus˅ name,
Education/Formation Commission Member