Page 3 - Easter2012v3

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The Online Prayer book is a gift from the Holy Family Community and friends who
contribute reflections, art, music, technical assistance, and proofreading skills.
Original Artwork on the cover of this season˅s Online Prayer Book is from our own
Holy Family Parishioner Patty Wickman.
Born in Pasadena, California, Wickman received her BFA from Arizona State University and her
MFA from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Wickman˅s paintings investigate non-linear narra-
tives articulated within a realist framework and seek to create a discourse between contemporary
culture and biblical narrative. Solo exhibitions include Hunsaker/Schlesinger Fine Art, Santa
Monica; Dan Bernier Gallery, Santa Monica; and Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions. Selected
group exhibitions include the New York Center for Art and Media Studies, NY; Cornell DeWitt Gal-
lery, NY; ACME Gallery, Los Angeles; W139, Amsterdam; Track 16, Santa Monica; Rosamund Fel-
sen Gallery, Santa Monica; San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA; Laguna Art Museum, Laguna
Beach, CA; Frye Art Museum, Seattle. Reviews on her work have appeared in Artforum, Art in
America, the Los Angeles Times, the New Yorker and Image. Wickman is a Professor of Art at
Original Music for this Prayer Book is from our own Holy Family Parishioner Ben
Coria, 5:30 Mass Music Director.
If you would like to participate in this wonderful book, please contact Dawn Pon-
net at dponnet@holyfamily org