Page 69 - Easter2012v3

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sense of their own self importance, but he always welcomed all and recognized
that each person was uniquely created with gifts to share for the good of all.
How often have I claimed to identify with some of the gospel's challenges but
have ignored the ones that were just too hard or incompatible with my life style?
Have I shared my time, talent and treasure with others who could benefit from
what I have to offer? Have I spoken out in the face of injustice when my words
could result in my own rejection by those whose acceptance I desire?
Jesus' ministry was one of comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable.
Can I, as servant, imitate the work of the Master in that regard? Chances are that
if I do, I can expect to be rejected and persecuted by those whose comfort I am
disturbing. Jesus was ultimately charged, tried, convicted and executed for chal-
lenging the world of his day. Consequently, we must ask ourselves that well worn
question: "if I was charged with being a being Christian, would there be enough
evidence to convict me?"
Good and gracious God, by our rebirth into your Son we are in the world but not
of the world. Strengthen me in my weakness when my world seems overwhelm-
ing. Guide my every word and action. Enable me to imitate and reflect the pres-
ence of your Son in each encounter I share with others -- even in the threat of
rejection and persecution. I make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.