Page 7 - Easter2012v3

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many times during Lent did we uphold our promise to give up that choco-
late treat, but passed judgment on our neighbor, family member or friend?
Our light comes from within and truly living with God is walking in Jesus˅
shoes everyday and trying to live with love and not a sword. What have we
done during Lent to transform our self? Does this transformation just stop
on Easter Sunday? Will we truly see the light, tell our brothers and sisters
that we can continue to grow, learn and love the way Jesus taught us. We
are human, we make mistakes, it is how we learn from those mistakes,
seek the light, take a deep breath, fill our hearts with love, and become that
better person. When we achieve this, we are living with God and finding
the path to the ˈfullness of his joyˉ
God Bless,
Thank you for your wonderful
gift and may we continue to
seek your light, the path Jesus
has laid for us and the contin-
ued search for love and faith
with our family, friends, loved
ones and strangers we meet on
our journey.
Help us to be resilient, as we
live out our faith and serve as
your disciples.
We ask this in your name,
Holy Family Parishioner, Holy Family School Parent, Lead Spirituality Re-
treat Leader