Page 73 - Easter2012v3

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the beatings, the crowning of thorns, the nails hammered into His
hands and feet, and the sword plunged into His side.
What struck me the most, however, was the "blood" flowing down His
knees. This was something to which I could relate--each time Jesus
had fallen, He'd skinned His knees! And I immediately thought,
"Jesus shouldn't have skinned knees, let alone all those other wounds
He suffered for me! But He kept getting up and continued that jour-
ney to the cross because of His great love for me." What a strong
affirmation of His humanity, as well as His divinity!
Now, whenever I see a crucifix or make the Sign of the Cross, I am
reminded of those skinned knees, the perseverance, and the im-
mense love Jesus has for me, He really did lay down His life for
me...I am His friend!
Dear Brother and Friend Jesus, each
time You fell, you were hurt more and
more, but You kept getting up because
You love me so much. Help me to re-
member Your immense love each time I
"fall'" and bless me with Your courage,
perseverance, and forgiveness so that I
may reflect Your love to others. Amen.