Page 39 - Feb2012

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the second person of the Holy Trinity. They asked themselves if he
was indeed guilty of blasphemy. He knew what they were thinking so
he proclaimed to them, ˈBut that you may know that the Son of Man
has authority to forgive sins on earth, I say to you (the paralytic), rise
and pick up your mat, and go home.
Jesus healed many people of physical and mental ills. He even raised
Lazarus from the dead. There is nothing greater than the
power of God. We need to listen and be aware of what Jesus
wants from us, and not always focus on what we want from
God. We are often greedy and always wanting our way and
possibly not thinking about what he wants from us. We need
to spend more time listening in our prayer life instead of al-
ways asking for things.
I have often found more insight spiritually when I have tripped
up, and asked God to please help me see His way not mine.
Holy God and Father, I ask you to watch over me each day
and to give me your unending love as I make time to spend
reading your Word. Help me to see the pearls of wisdom in
your scriptures and how they impact what I do for you and
others each day.
Carolyn Strong
Principal of Holy Family School