Page 41 - Feb2012

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When Jesus tells us in the gospel, and when God tells us in the first
reading, I can forgive your sins, it is unqualified with words such as
ˈifˉ or ˈbutˉ or ˈunless.ˉ It is truly that simple.
We˅ve all heard, ˈif it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.ˉ
Whether it˅s an investment opportunity, or an infomercial, we are
savvy enough to know, if it is too easy, it won˅t work, right?
But God˅s forgiveness really is that simple.
We know of God˅s willingness to forgive us ˀ why do we
make it so hard to accept? How many of us hold onto the
sins of our past, letting them continue to wound us, and make
us feel bad about ourselves, even years later. We may not so
easily forgive ourselves, but this is a reminder that God˅s for-
giveness comes so easily.
Let˅s free ourselves! Ask forgiveness, be forgiven, and then
accept the forgiveness given! It is a precious gift, from God,
to us, and we don˅t have to be skeptical of it. We just have to
receive it.
Forgive me of my sins, Lord, and give me strength to forgive
Jennifer Rockenback and Doug Decauwer,
Parents of Hartley and Jude