Page 58 - Jan

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Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7
Corinthians 7:32-35
Mark 1:21-28
Our readings for the day begin with Moses telling the people that God will send to them a
prophet “from among their kin”, who will speak God’s words in His name, and that the
people shall listen to this prophet. Of course, God held true to this promise by sending
us the greatest gift of all, His only Son, Jesus Christ, to live among us and to lead us to
the Father. This promise, as presented by Moses, leads perfectly into the Responsorial
Psalm, “If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts”. The two together remind
us of the manifestation of God’s promise, and our responsibility to hold up to our end of
the bargain by listening to Him, being open to His word, and making His word alive in our
own lives. Mark’s Gospel reading further enlightens us regarding God’s promise as
spoken through Moses as we read of Je-
sus, teaching in the synagogue. “The
people were astonished at his teaching,
for he taught them as one having author-
ity… a new teaching with authority”. God
kept His promise, he sent His prophet,
and He “put His words into His mouth”.
Flash forward to January 2012, and it is
our calling to “hear His voice and harden
not our hearts”.
Having just completed the Parish Mission,
these readings, and most especially the
Responsorial Psalm, call us to a learning
point. The beauty, simplicity and wonder
of the words so eloquently presented by
Fr. Michael Fish call to us in this world of
hectic schedules and constant activity.
In these times, our frenetic pace is also
inextricably coupled with an increasing
sense of emptiness and isolation. As Fr.
Michael expressed so beautifully, our
seeming “need” to be constantly doing,