Page 31 - July2012v1

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We have all occupied a position of power at one time, maybe it was being the
baseball team captain, or being the oldest child, or a group leader at work. Other
positions have power based on their role such as a police officer, sports official,
postal clerk, or priest. The power that is exercised in these situations is either by
Position Power or Personal Power. Those who have personal power are those
who show respect for the individual and by that virtue are true leaders.
The best example I can give of this idea of personal power is when my wife and I
were in Rome and we had the privilege of being in the auditorium anticipating the
audience of the Pope. There was a very large stage with many people milling
around on stage making things ready. There was a small platform on which were
three chairs the one in the middle being a little bit bigger than the other two. Dur-
ing the 20 or so minutes we were waiting, a group in the audience began to sing
a song. When finished, another group rose to sing and so on for the 20 minutes.
During a pause in the songs, a smallish figure dressed in all white appeared from
a side door on the stage and proceeded to the center platform. Without fanfare
or announcement this figure walked to the center chair. During his walk the entire
audience began to notice this figure and all became quiet. The scene was so
dramatic that I was literally in awe. Here was the Pope, no fanfare no proclama-
tion, just a person with humility and respect and love for every one of us.
Dear Lord,
Help me to overcome my perceive importance
and to become a servant leader.
Help me to exercise any authority I may have
with love.
Help me to respect others in all that I do.
Help me to serve with generosity and sacrifice.
Henry Provencio
Lover of the Online Prayerbook