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abandoned us. During
those times we should re-
member Thomas as he
recognizes and venerates
the risen Christ. We too,
must seek and honor the
Lord because He is always
with us. It is not necessary
for us to have lived with the
disciples and seen Jesus to
believe. In keeping with
what I perceive to be the message of First Reading, I believe we af-
firm our faith when we witness Christ in others. How can I deny the
risen Christ as I reach out to others? The risen Jesus reveals Himself
in each person whose life we touch.
Dear Lord, help me to not overlook You or doubt Your presence in the
world. Help me to affirm my faith by witnessing you in each person I
encounter. Make me more conscious of my humanity. Help me to be
more sensitive to those around me. Help me to share their pain, ex-
perience their joy, and be present for the good, the bad and even the
mundane. In doing this You are revealed to me.
Mission Haiti, Pastoral Council