Page 33 - June2012v2

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The fate of the City of Jerusalem is really our fate too. Jesus comes to our interior
citiesˁour minds and hearts, to show us that there is another way. We can live
in His life and love, or we can choose to be possessed by this worldˁor we can
choose to be possessed by this world . The choice to ˈseeˉ is ours. We can
pray to God for help in times of distress, like King Hezekiah, and perhaps receive
temporary relief. But, soon we are tempted to our old ways. Soˎwhat is our so-
lutionˎwhat is our choice? Our Christian Way invites us to a daily Sukkoth of
Thanksgiving, with the mingling of water and wine in the Eucharist, that truly
quenches our thirst through union with Christ. As we stand in the Kidron Valleys
of our own lives, staring with eyes of hope at the Golden Gate, may we know that
and the
and the
is ours to be grasped. But, first, let˅s unload
our bags!
As I began my reflection on today˅s readings, I felt a need to refresh my memory
of the context of today˅s Hebrew Scriptures. Thus, I reached for my definitive
Old Testament study guide written by the late Fr. Lawrence Boadt CSP, former
editor of Paulist Press. Then, I read the inscription that this highly respected bib-
lical scholar had placed in my book:
ˈMay God bless you richly with the love and
wisdom of the Scriptures. Laurence Boadt, June 10, 2002.ˉ
Ten years later, I
read this inscription with deep appreciation.
May it be a sign for each of us to embrace with
gratitude the inspired Word of God.
Thank you, Lord, for inviting us to see with new
eyes the wisdom of your Word. May each of us
who pray these holy readings be released of
unwanted baggage in order that we may one
day know Eternal Life in the New Jerusalem.