Page 5 - June2012v2

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they reduce their pledge and not create a possible burden on themselves. They
agreed to change the pledge.
As I reflect on this incident, I realize how much more generous this family was
than I have ever been with my contributions. They gave from their spiritual wealth
while I have always given from my material wealth. So for me what is God asking
of me when he says, ˈGo, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will
have treasure in heavenˎˉ I believe that for some this is a literal challenge as it
was for Mother Teresa or for those who choose to be priests, brothers or sisters.
But I believe my challenge is to learn to give from my spiritual wealth. When Jesus
says: ˈIt is easier for a camel to pass though the eye of a needle than for one
who is rich to enter the Kingdom of Godˉ, I believe that He is warning us not to
be distracted by our material wealth. Wealth can provide a false sense of security
and a false sense of importance and possibly a selfishness that governs how we
treat others.
The man in the gospel: ˈGood teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?˅,
placed greater value in what he possessed rather than in who he was or who he
could be to others by giving of himself. By not understanding that Jesus was
asking him to look beyond his false sense of independence and to learn to give
from his spiritual wealth, he went away dismayed. This is my challenge, to live as
a blessed disciple and to learn to give from my spiritual wealth.
Lord Jesus, you have provided exam-
ples of those who give from their spiri-
tual wealth may I see and understand
the blessing of sharing what I have in
this same sense. Amen