Page 27 - Lent2012v3b

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tion? Are we afraid of where our paths are leading us because they
are unknown? Like Peter, James and John, being afraid of what God
has planned for us and not hearing the voice of God?
If we would only stop and see the wonders that God has given to us.
If we would stop and hear God˅s voice in our most troubled times
and know that Jesus is the one we need to rely upon. That it isn˅t the
Tents, or the Dazzling Robes, or the appearance of others that brings
us closer to God˅s grace, it is that gentle voice that says to all of us
ˈThis is my Beloved Son, Listen to Him.ˉ
Most gracious and loving Father, we hear your voice in all things, the
singing of the birds, the soft rustle of the leaves, and the gentle mel-
ody of the life. Help us to find that quiet place where your voice can
touch our hearts and minds, where we can focus on Your will that will
be done in our lives, to praise Your name and walk with you. Be pa-
tient with us, sweet Lord, for the road is crowded and noisy, as we
seek to do thy will. Amen.
Candy and Jay Krueger
Get on the Bus Co-Chairs 2012
ˈUniting children with their mothers and fathers in prisonˉ