Page 5 - Lent2012v3b

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when a temporary period of feigned repentance is over. We are called to perform
them humbly and privately so that the gradual change taking place in our hearts
becomes permanent and part of our very being. Only when that level of transfor-
mation has occurred within us on an invisible level can we begin to truly become
Christ˅s disciples and do the work of bringing his kingdom into this world. We
must become the reconcilers, the peacemakers, the ones who reflect the mercy
and forgiveness that God continually shows to his people.
This is a day of consecration, of dedication, of a return to purity of
heart. The ashes on our foreheads are the mere external reminder of the
incredible conversion that is beginning internally and that we must con-
tinue to work to achieve every day of our lives.
Dear God, help us to ˈdisappearˉ into you during these forty days of
ˎ to pray secretly and intimately,
ˎ to fast from injustice, insensitivity, selfishness and indulgence,
ˎ to turn toward others in their need and suffering.
May we always strive to show the mercy and compassion to others that
you unfailingly show to us when we become entangled in sin.
We ask for all of this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, who recon-
ciled us to you through the Cross. Amen.
Allyson Simpson
RCIA Team Member, Discipleship Committee
and Eucharistic Minister