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This miracle illustrates the importance
of faith and trust in Jesus. The Sea
represents the world with its dangers
and risks. Even though the disciples
knew the risk of sailing at night, they
did it anyway. They needed to learn to trust in Jesus and go out in the world
him, not
without him. Catholic scholars view this miracle as significant in affirming the divinity of Jesus
among early Christians.
Acts 6: 1-7
we see that the disciples did not act so impulsively, but gathered together and
prayed for guidance and wisdom as the new church grew. After the descent of the Holy Spirit
at Pentecost, Jesus revealed the importance of faith and trust in God’s guidance. As the early
Christians spread the Word of God into the far ends of the earth, they encountered risks and
dangers. Most were martyred, yet they faithfully prayed for God’s wisdom and strength.
“Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you” (Ps 33)
. How often do we hear this
verse as we walk our own faith journey? How often do we pray this prayer as we run into our
own trials and tribulations,
in the dark night of the soul?
I was impressed by the words of
Benedict XVI at his last papal audience when he said
he “felt like St. Peter and the Apostles in
the boat on the Sea of Galilee”. “There have been moments in which the water was agitated
and the wind blew contrary, as in all of the history of the Church, and the Lord appeared to be
sleeping…I have always known that in that boat, there was the Lord”.
Dear Lord, This is our Year of Faith in you dear Jesus. We cry to you for help as we walk and
stumble on our journey of faith and trust. Please answer our prayers swiftly and immediately as
you did for the disciples when their boat was caught in the storm.
Lord, let your mercy be on
us, as we place our trust in you
! Amen