Page 15 - Lent2013j

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things to happen to my abuser? I do not! I know that he was a
very sick and disturbed man. I pray that he cannot hurt chil-
dren anymore. I pray that law enforcement has seen to that.
Secondly. It is sometimes easy to judge the past using our
current experience. For example, had we known the serious
health risks of nicotine, would it have been put into cigarettes?
I am not sure all of the villains in the scandal knew the harm
they were doing. Furthermore, how will our grandchildren judge us? “They lived in
luxury, while thousands died daily of hunger.”
God has given us these powerful readings; His-story
and our-story to give us guidelines for building
God’s kingdom right here on earth. The first reading
asks us not to steal, speak falsely, steal, curse, act dis-
honestly, slander, hate, or hold grudges. The Gospel
tells us to give food the hungry, welcome the
stranger, clothe the naked, and visit the imprisoned.
Who in your life is hungry for your compassion, your
mercy, your love? Who thirsts for justice, for equita-
bility, for peace? Who has been stripped of their
dignity, their worth, their freedom? Who is impris-
oned in their minds, in their households, in their en-
Eternal life awaits the sheep.
God of all, help us to be beacons of life. Help us to feed the hungry and give refresh-
ment to the thirsty. Create clean heart in us so that we do not unfairly judge ourselves
or others. Help us to be your sheep.