Page 27 - Lent2013j

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pen that I was part of and I remember my reply was not a lie,
but is sure was not the truth. Maybe you can relate to this.
“For the measure with which you measure will in return be
measured out to you”. In business parlance you might make
the same statement as: “what goes around, come around”.
Lent is a time for reflection and introspection. We need to look
into how we conduct ourselves and to change the things that
need to be changed and to increase the things that we do well. Let your daily life ex-
press to all that you encounter that you are Catholic and that you reflect the image of
Jesus, so that the Lord will look down upon you and say “this is my son or this is my
daughter of who I am well pleased”.
Dear Lord, as I journey through this Lenten season give me the insight to see what I do
well and what I need to improve upon. With so many distractions in my daily life, help
me find the quiet time that I can spend with You on reflection. Then give me the cour-
age to act on what I discover.