Page 29 - Lent2013j

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plays much too large a role in my decision making. Times
where too much of my motivation to do a good deed is
so that I can share with others what I have done. What if
you were forbidden to share with anyone the good deeds
that you have done? Would that change anything for
you? For me, I find becoming motivated is initially a bit
more difficult, but the reward of performing good works
are even greater when my sole focus is sharing them with the Lord.
The gospel concludes with one of my most cherished lines:
“Whoever exalts
himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
when reflecting on the various meanings of humble, humbled, exalt, and exalted
I found myself focusing on equality. In my mind a humble person is one who
views themselves as equal with everyone around them no matter their achieve-
ments, place, or deed. Similarly when imagining someone being humbled I see a
person being reminded that they are not better than those around them. Indeed
“are all brothers”
and no matter what we do or who we are, the Lord loves
and welcomes us. It is in a community of equals with each other that the Lord
will exalt us.
Lord, help us to take the small steps every day to live your teaching. Help us to
remove our desire for recognition and live in humble equality. Help us Lord, to
live in communion with you. Amen.
Holy Family Parishioner