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person - among which is the inviolable right of every in-
nocent being to life.” (CCC ¶ 2270.) Before voting in 2012,
I asked myself: Which candidate’s policies would most
likely reduce the
number of abor-
tions? I ask my-
self today: What
can I do to help poor pregnant girls
and women have a real choice unfet-
tered by economic duress? I think of
St. Anne’s ministry to them in Los An-
As to respect for health, in study of
Church teaching, I ask myself: Have I
“abuse[d]” “food, alcohol, tobacco, or
medicine” (CCC ¶ 2290) so as to impair
my health? As to the health of my
neighbors, I ask: What have I done or
failed to do to “help in the attainment
of living-conditions that allow them to
grow and reach maturity: food and clothing, housing, health care, basic educa-
tion, employment, and social assistance”? (CCC ¶ 2288) This complex goal
somehow prompts in me a simple question: Do I tip waitresses and waiters
enough to help make their incomes equivalent to “a just wage” to attain those
living conditions? “A just wage is the legitimate fruit of work. To refuse or with-
hold it can be a grave injustice.” (CCC ¶¶ 2434.)
I pray for the gift of submitting my will to the Father’s will for me this Lent. I
pray to more fully examine my conscience through Church teachings on the Ten
Commandments in light of the twofold yet single commandment of love. I pray
that I may confess the sins so revealed, repent, and by word and deed grow as a
disciple of Jesus Christ.
Chair, Worship Commission