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This may be true when talking to God also. For ex-
ample: When I pray, I thank God for what He’s done
for me in my life, then I turn right around and ask
Him for things – blessings for family & friends, safety
in travel, wisdom in decision-making, etc. This is my
“reply” to God.
But how much time do I spend each day listening to God? Reading His
word and listening for His voice through meditation or scripture study or
listening to and/or reading the words of scholars, trying truly to hear His
voice? Not nearly enough, in fact very little. Here in the midst of Lent, I
recall the wise words of an RCIA director, who said that Lent was not nec-
essarily about “giving something up” but about making more room in our
lives to listen to (and for) the voice of God.
Dear God – help me to be still; to
truly listen for your voice with my
ears open, my eyes open, my heart
open and my mouth shut. Amen.