Page 73 - Lent2013j

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around us that appears chaotic sometimes. But let’s
try to remember that love at all times and make it our
goal to dwell there. In my personal journey at this
time I use the unconditional love of God as a com-
parison point. “If the unconditional love of God is
real than does this situation really matter?” It usually
So, as we move toward Triduum, let us remember the reason behind the
season. For God so loved the world that he sent his only Son. The Gospel
reminds us, “it is better that one man should die instead of the people, so
that the whole nation may not perish”. God loves us that much!
God, help me to know your unconditional love, today and every day. Help
me to know it for myself and to see it in others. We thank you for guard-
ing us, as a shepherd guards his flock. We are never, ever, alone. Thank
you for sending your only Son, Jesus, to be our teacher and Savior and liv-
ing proof of your unconditional love for us. We ask the Holy Spirit to
guide all of our actions towards love. Amen.
Bulletin Editor and Parishioner