Page 21 - Nov2012v1

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eousness, peace, truth and love.
As servants in the Kingdom of the Lord we are first called upon to live by these
virtues in all of our actions. We are also sent by the King to go and bring the
word of Jesus to all we encounter.
This we can accomplish by living
our everyday lives in the example of
the Servant Leaderˎˉthey will know
we are Christians by our loveˉ.
It is our choice to accept God as
our King and to choose to live in the
kingdom He has created for us. If
we choose to do so then we must
strive to live our lives, to best of our
ability, in the profession of right-
eousness, peace, truth and love.
Dear Lord,
Help me to know You as my King
To accept You as the Lord and
Master of my being
Help me to live in your Kingdom as
Your example of servant leadership
And to live your commandment to
love my neighbor as myself
Holy Family Parishioner