The Church tells us that we are to be fed at the banquet so that we can feed oth-
ers. We are to wear the “garment” of a disciple. The challenge is great for each
of us – to hear the Word and share the Eucharist and allow ourselves to ask the
question, “Have I placed my trust in God and in God’s Word, above all else?”
A few years ago, I
heard the sugges-
tion that after re-
ceiving commun-
ion, rather than be
deeply involved in
our private prayers,
we should occa-
sionally spend the
time gazing upon
the faces of Imago
Dei, the great pro-
cession of the
Body of Christ. I
have found it to be a worthwhile meditation as together we strive to live as disci-
ples, Eucharistic people grateful to have been invited to the banquet together.
God of all goodness, give us a spirit of thanksgiving for your great gift of the Eu-
charistic banquet and the grace to become the disciples you intended us to be
when you created us in your image and likeness.
Jane Argento,
Social Concerns Chair, RCIA Directional Team