Page 19 - Oct2012v1

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to God in a universal call to holiness.
When he returned to Lourdes at the
end of his life, he came as a
ˈmaladeˉ, a sick one. He gratefully
accepted the care of others and
gave a final example of his trust in
God˅s love. Most of us are blessed
to have witnessed his spirit either in
person or through the television. May
he inspire us to re-examine the fo-
cus of our lives. Are we too engaged
in storing up worldly goods ˈfor a
rainy dayˉ? How well are we per-
forming as disciples? How are we
using the time we have been given? If you find there is room for im-
provement, maybe now is a good time to commit to making a few
changes in your life.
Dear ever-faithful and loving God,
Please help us to fully accept the love you have always had for us.
We thank you for your gift of Faith and pledge to try to respond to it
by our good works of charity toward others.
We praise You, we bless You, we thank You. Amen
Safeguard the Children Committee member