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families of volun-
teer activity friends,
families of church
friends. Living in
love transforms us
and it transforms
The gospel mes-
sage also speaks
of something fa-
miliar, yet mysteri-
ous, which is the
kingdom of God.
Through the par-
ables of the mustard seed and the yeast, we are reminded that small things
count. The tiny mustard seed grew to be a tree, which attracted numerous birds
because they loved the little black mustard seeds which it produced. Leaven,
too, is another small but powerful change agent. A lump of dough, left alone, re-
mains simply a lump of dough. However, when leaven is added, the dough is
transformed into rich and wholesome bread. God˅s kingdom works similarly. It
starts from the smallest beginnings in the hearts of men and women who are re-
ceptive to God˅s word.
We have each been drawn to the kingdom of God by many, many small things.
They can be acts of kindness, words of encouragement, words of friendship, ex-
periences both good and bad, and they have been coordinated to show us
something about divine life.
Lord, Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit and transform me into the Christ-like ho-
liness you desire. Walk with me on my spiritual path and instill in me a holy de-
sire to live for your greater glory. Amen.
Dismissal Minister