mass and hearing the words ˈin Jesus name.ˉ To gather in Jesus
name is to gather in submission to the will of the Father as best we
can. To the extent we can do that -- and we must pray for that gift of
growing surrender -- we experience more fully the spirited authority
and spirited power of the words of Jesus Christ and his presence in
the assembly and in Eucharist. We are welcomed to be ˈin that Spirit
of God.ˉ It can free us from what binds us, as Jesus freed the man
with the spirit of an unclean demon. It can free us to be ˈmerciful asˉ
our Father ˈis mercifulˉ (Luke 6:36) -- and ˈgracious,ˉ and
ˈcompassionate,ˉ and ˈfaithfulˉ too, ˈlifting upˉ ˈthe fallingˉ and
ˈraising upˉ ˈthe bowed down.ˉ
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, O Lord God, we pray.
My your spirit, the Spirit of God,
come upon us -- that Holy
Spirit who proceeds from the
love you, the Father, and your
son Jesus Christ, have for each
other. Fill us with that Holy
Spirit so that we will experience
the mind of Christ, which we
are called to imitate in thought,
word, and deed. This we ask in
Jesus' name. Amen
Phil Argento