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the heavens themselves

in Genesis, begin as bar-

ren until the will of God

bring them to life with

an utterance, "Let there

be…" which is always

new, always evolving.

Jesus himself models

that perfect mystery:

eternally present, yet

always rising in new life,

forever positively trans-

formed in relationship

with the Father and the


People who are facing

the loss of a loved one

or even of their own life can be deluged with storms of emotions. Some are sad, some are warm,

most are caring and pretty intense. At times the landscape may seem bleak and forbidding, but, as

in this season of solstice, the light, though fading, never completely goes away. Something around

the corner, a grasp of eternity and a sense of their part in an ongoing history allows them to view the

approaching doorway with new vision. Few run toward it, but most, sooner or later, come to see it

as an ancient portal inevitably leading wherever it is this wondrous experience we call life, and its

memories, proceed.

I have a very dear friend who is walking down that path now. Although still very strong, he, his fam-

ily, and friends are coming to grips with the unpleasant prognosis associated with his cancer. He fac-

es each moment bemused by a heightened awareness of each moment's truism, "Might this be the last

time I…?" Surrounded by a confusing mix of love, sadness, and helplessness in others, he has made

one general request in his presence with them. He is not a conventionally pious man, but since pres-

ence is the central characteristic of prayer, I share it with you as a prayer, each to the other. The

photo above was taken by his wife and him during a journey in November. They regard it as a meta-

phor for their recent experiences.



… holding me in the life I am living, however it is, rather than in the fear of suffering and death, is

probably what I would cherish most. Not that I shy away from that darker part of this journey; ac-

tually, I want to embrace it, to be able to share those moments when they arise for me or for oth-

ers. I just don't want that to be the whole story, which is so rich right now!



Don Milici
