has prayed for and she did not get the answer she was looking for.
One of the things she truly wanted was something I did not give her.
It was difficult to hear and hard to live with the guilt.
I mention this story with hope. I think of these wayfarers, who
traveled untold hours to glimpse at the Christ child.The Magi traveled
on a path of discovery illuminated by a star. Imagine the faith it took
to travel so far and hope that you have read the prophecy correctly.
Perhaps the Magi were bathed in God’s true light which discloses
God’s ways. Perhaps our journeys to God also need to be based in
Christ’s light. I suggest the more that we immerse ourselves in Christ’s
light, the more capable we become of understanding
the ways of our God.
Although at this time my daughter is not interested
in prayer, I hope that she is still interested in seeking
the ways of God. I do believe that she is sincerely
open to God’s light. However, I believe I need to
reflect Christ’s light in all that I do.This requires that
I, like all of us, are called to walk in the ways of
Jesus as his disciple and be willing to seek the light
even in darkness.
“Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem, the glory of the
Lord shines upon you.”
Isaiah 60:1