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Isaiah 48:17-19
Psalm 1:1-2, 3, 4 & 6
Matthew 11:16-19
Jesus compares the Pharisees to contrarian children who refuse to cooperate
with God's plan. They are reproached, "We played the flute for you, but you did
not dance, we sang a dirge but you did not mourn."
I am the beamingly proud mother of beautiful, intelligent and feisty three-year-
old Madeleine. Periodically, she can be the very incarnation of the word
“contrarian.” If we suggest she wear pants because it’s cold out, she insists on
wearing a dress. If we ask her to eat her dinner, she’d rather play. If we tell her
to be gentle with her baby brother, Harrison, she pokes at him to see how we’ll
(and he’ll) react. While this behavior is certainly challenging, my husband, Karey,
and I recognize that it is simply a normal reflection of her assertion of independ-
ence - a vital component of healthy development. (And who wants a push-over
daughter, anyway?)
Jesus recognized the “Madeleine” in his contemporaries. He sarcastically re-
ferred to the Pharisees as obstinate “children”- refusing to open themselves to
the Word of God. They dismissed John the Baptist for being too conservative
while simultaneously criticizing Jesus for being too liberal.
Who of us hasn’t been that obstinate, contrarian child? I will admit that like the
Pharisees, I sometimes refuse to open myself to God’s Word. I spiritually cross
my arms over my chest, stomp my feet and scream, “No!” - just like a petulant
child. At times, I have even baldly
follow His will for me.
Sometimes, attempting to thwart God's plan for
us can be an essential aspect of spiritual growth
and development. Yet, imposing
will always