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Monday of the Third Week in Advent
Genesis 49:2, 8-10
Psalm 72:1-2,3-4ab,7-8,17
Matthew 1:1-17
These readings teach us that God had always promised a savior to
the World and to his faithful. Jacob tells his son Judah that he and
his tribe will rule until the Savior comes. The Gospel here illuminates
the ˄family treek˅from Abraham to Jesus, our Savior.
As I was reading the Gospel, one in which I˅ve read numerous times
before, I was struck this time with the simple fact that Jacob knew
that Jesus would come from the tribe of Judah, generations and gen-
erations before the birth of Jesus. It struck me this time how won-
derful God˅s plan is for all of us, He sees the past, the present and
the future all in the blink of an eye. He made a life path for his Son to
come from Judah˅s tribe as well as be from the House of David. I
was awestruck at the sheer magnitude of foresight to look into so
many future generations and understand the needs of a World. It
gave great peace to know that God is in charge and knows what truly
is best for us all.
Dear Heavenly Father ˀ Thank you for
allowing your Son to come into this World
and bring his gift of peace. Please help
us to place our faith and trust in you not