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does not wish we could embody this instruction, leading lives that reflect the tender kind-
ness of Jesus? Again we say, "Let it be so!" Paul continues,
Have no anxiety at all, but in
everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God
. Oh
that these words were woven on our hearts! Our world produces anxiety. At every corner there
is some new fear to test our faith and burden our days. Paul's words offer sweet relief and
hope. Paul concludes,
Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your
hearts and minds in Christ Jesus
. Wow! What wouldn't we give for such peace in our lives? In
all honesty, we don't really know what this would feel like – peace transcending under-
standing, guarding both our hearts and minds. In our spiritual journey as a couple; we have
had glimpses of such peace, fleeting glances that tease us with the hope of something more.
Oh to live in such peace!
So, on this “Rejoice” Sunday,
What, then, should we do?
How shall we respond to the Advent
of the Messiah? We, will be at Mass with our children, celebrating our anniversary and re-
joicing in community with Holy Family. May your respond be that of Isaiah,
God indeed is my savior;
I am confident and unafraid.
My strength and my courage is the LORD,
and he has been my savior.
With joy you will draw water
at the fountain of salivation.
O God of the exiles and the lost,
you promise restoration and wholeness
through the power of Jesus Christ.
Give us faith to live joyfully,
sustained by your promises
as we eagerly await the day when they will be fulfilled
for all the world to see,
through the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Ramón B. Barreras and Veronica del Rio-Barreras
Parents of Sofia and Patrick