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Third Sunday in Advent
Zepaniah 3:14-18a
Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6
Philemon 4:4-7
Luke 3:10-18
On this
(Rejoice) Sunday, we are called to
Be glad and exult with all your heart
Cry out with joy and gladness
, and
Rejoice in the Lord always
Six years ago today, we began a journey as husband and wife.
To live a life that honors God and the sacrament of marriage.
Today’s readings truly reflect the emotions that we experi-
enced on that sacred day. The joy and happiness that we ex-
perienced was, and continues to be, the rock of our faith and
family. As all married couples, we have experienced our share
of ups and downs. But through prayer, God has continued to
bless our marriage and has given us the strength to perse-
Zephaniah calls on us to shout for joy, sing joyfully, and to
be glad with the Lord. Why? Because the Lord, our Father,
“has removed the judgment against you.” The Lord sent his
only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die so that we may be
saved. Zephaniah exhorts us that the gift of joy belongs to
us, and that we may embrace the happiness that is to receive
the grace of God. During this Advent season, let us clamor in
joy and be thankful for the gift that is Christmas. Today,
are you joyful and glad with the Lord? If not, pray for joy, pray for God’s spirit upon you
so that you may clamor in happiness, pray for strength and perseverance so that you may feel
God’s grace upon you and the gift of joy.
Lastly, Paul and John the Baptist, implore us to Rejoice in the coming of the Messiah, Jesus
Christ. Paul, while in prison, calls upon the Philippians to rejoice with him in the Lord.
Similarly, John the Baptist proclaims that
one mightier than I is coming
. Consequently, John
the Baptist instructs a large crowd to demonstrate true
concern for the least fortunate, to live out God’s jus-
tice and righteousness, and to prepare for Christ’s
coming. Furthermore, Paul joyfully proclaims that we
Rejoice in the Lord always.
I shall say it again: rejoice
! Yes, Amen! Rejoicing in
the Lord's goodness is good and right. "Amen," we say.
Let your gentleness be evident to all.
Who among us