Page 15 - Easter2012v3

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The readings reminded me that Jesus is the cornerstone, the rock in our life and
our church. We can go to him when we are broken, when we are sick, and when
we are weak. He is forever gentle with us, and is always patiently waiting for us.
By looking up to God and clinging to Jesus, we can be made whole again.
Yes, I am still busy with my worldly chores. However, I try to stay more focus
when I pray every night, pay more attention at mass, and I find myself talking to
God whenever I can. On my way to the post office, while conversing with God
about my frustration in writing this reflection, words start to flow ˎ
I believe, Lord, but let me believe more firmly.
I hope, Lord, but let me hope more surely.
I love, Lord, but let me love more warmly.
I repent, Lord, but let me repent more deeply.
Lord, give me humility, meekness,
chastity, patience and charity.
Teach me goodness, knowledge and discipline.
Give me your love together with your grace
and I will be rich enough.
My God, my Jesus, my all in all.
- St. Anthony Claret