Page 31 - Easter2012v3

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But Jesus in his ministry invites marginalized people to the table with him. This is
an expression of ˈall are welcome at the table of the Lordˉ. In our home I can re-
member occasions when my father would ask my mother to make a plate for
someone my dad knew who needed a good meal. My dad would take me with
him to deliver the meal, but we did not just drop it off -- we stayed there with
him while he ate and we talked about our day. I did not appreciate the fact that I
had to go with him; I only knew that I had to go! But today I am grateful that my
dad took me for it was an expression of sharing a meal with Jesus.
With the feeding of the multitude, Jesus is inviting all of us to join him at the table
of the Eucharist. This is an open invitation and while at the table with Jesus, He
will feed you, in this case literally. Jesus expected the disciples to find a way to
feed the people, but they could not conceive of a way to accomplish this, so Je-
sus performs the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and the fish and all
are fed with abundance.
The feeding of the multitude shows God˅s generosity towards us. Here He gives
more than is needed for the crowd and the abundance is gathered in 12 baskets.
This is to indicate that God gives us in abundance so that we may have some to
share with others, especially with those who are in need. To strive to feed the
hungry on our own seems like an impossible task, as it did to the disciples, but
with God˅s assistance we can accomplish anything. Let˅s start by taking a plate
to one person who is in need of a good meal, and stay with them over dinner and
discuss our day.
Lord you provided for my needs in abundance and I am grateful. Grant in me a
grateful and generous heart so that I may share with others.
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