Page 38 - Easter2012v3

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. M
, E
1 Peter 5:5B-14
Psalm 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17
Mark 16:15-20
Today˅s First Reading and Gospel are both conclusions to the books
they are in.
Today˅s first reading counsels those that had been persecuted for
their religion. We are reminded to be vigilant and not give up! The
Devil is around us in many forms ˀ human, animal, and, if the bible
were written today, electronically. We found it interesting that the
first reading used the Devil as the prowling, roaring lion on the
Feast of Saint Mark. The Lion is the common art symbol for Saint
Mark, as you can see from section of the stained glass window we
photographed recently at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
recently. So is the Lion the Devil or is it St. Mark?
The Gospel helps us with this answer. Mark 16 is part of Jesus˅ fi-
nal words to the apostles before he takes his seat at the right hand
of God. We are counseled, as those in the first reading, that if we
believe and are baptized, we will be saved. Although there are days
where the Devil is tempting us, the message is that as Believers we
will prevail. God knows that our road to him in Heaven isn˅t an easy
one, but we must be strong in our faith, as there are also signs of
the Lord too, reminding us, that he is with us.