Page 47 - Easter2012v3

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some of Jesus˅ followers because of our humanity and weakness.
Personally, when I am tempted to ˈturn awayˉ because it seems eas-
ier, I tend to pray harder and force myself to focus on what
Peter said to Jesus, ˈYou have the words of eternal life. We have come
to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God."
As a
Christian there is no other choice but to have faith and believe that
the spirit is alive in us!
Which will you do? When the teaching is difficult will you turn away or
will you continue to follow even though it is hard?
Dear Lord, Thank you for all the good you have done for us. Send us
the strength and the gifts of the Holy Spirit to give us life and to stay
focused on what is important. Help us not to turn away from you
when the going gets tough. Give us the faith to help us continue to
believe that you gave us your Son who is the Holy One. Amen
Eucharistic Minister
Living Your Gifts