Page 89 - Easter2012v3

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the other person. This love is more than just a friendship: it is a heav-
enly love that is compassionate and a gift from God! No matter how
much we love God, we can never love Him enough. Our love for Him
can never match His wondrous love for us, a love which led Jesus to
die on the cross for our salvation. This is a love that has to be paired
with faith, because it is so incomprehensible! We are challenged to
spread this love that God has for us by showing it to others and give
this love back to God.
Finally, I ponder on these words of Jesusˉˎ
but when you grow old,
you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress youˎ
ˉ re-
minds me of the small sacrifice I am making by giving back the love
that God gave to me each time I dress and undress my elderly mother
and to remember that it is a gift of grace and not a burden even when
I don˅t feel like doing it.
Like Jesus told Peter 3 times to feed his lambs and tend to his sheep;
this is grace, not a burden!
Dear, Lord, thank you for your unconditional Love! Help us to realize
that spreading your work is a gift and not a burden. Amen.
Eucharistic Minister
Living Your Gifts