Page 15 - Feb2012

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to understand and apply the rule of law. This is not unlike most of us, maybe not
in this specific a circumstance but surely many times in our daily routine in deal-
ing with people and situations at work, or at home and dealing with children, or
just in driving home.
If all we did was follow the ˈletterˉ of the law, would our everyday lives work? I
suspect in many cases it would, but as we all understand there still needs to be
awareness of what is right and correct. Too often people use the ˈletterˉ of the
law rather than the intent of the law to avoid tough decisions or justify
actions that are not in the best interest of all parties concerned.
This is the point that Jesus is addressing when the Pharisees approach
Him with their question. Jesus is aware that the Pharisees are using ritual
tradition to excuse themselves from personal responsibility. Jesus identi-
fies for them their hypocrisy; they appear to obey God˅s law to the pub-
lic while they inwardly have other intentions. In addition, God points out
that they create clever arguments and their own interpretations for what
God is asking of each of us.
if we approach God˅s word with faith and openness we will be able to
recognize how He wants us to understand Him and how we are to obey
His commandments. He wants us to act according to what is true rather
than just conforming to the ˈletterˉ of the law.
Dear Lord,
Give me the faith to heed Your commandments
Give me the insight to understand Your word
And the courage to act in accordance to Your will
Henry Provencio