Page 9 - Feb2012

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times I would get a frown which I believe
meant, “Are you kidding me?” Not that
they were not going to Mass, but more on
the lines of, “that’s adult stuff and I’m a
teen, and it is not working so well for me
at this time in my life”. Of course I chal-
lenged them to listen attentively to the
words in scriptures, to listen to the mes-
sage; I encouraged them to listen or look
at the lyrics of the songs, and be attentive in the conversations about
the Mass. Most of them looked at me with eyes that said, “I can do
As I was challenging the young people of the parish, I thought, I better
pay closer attention myself! Wow what a difference it makes, when I am
attentive to come up with just one sentence, phrase, or idea to carry that
with me each week. I am less lost and more like a sheep with a whole
community of shepherds. Somehow knowing The Shepherd and the
many other shepherds helps me be less desperate and more at peace
knowing that you all will help me though all of life’s challenges.
Lord Jesus, good and gentle shepherd, healer of body and soul: listen to
us your sheep who cry out to you.
So many sheep are suffering, Lord. Some are wounded and confused.
Some have lost sight of you, Lord. Some have strayed from you and now
they stumble along trying to find the way forward, the way to happiness
and peace.
Stoop down, Lord, and lift up your hurting sheep upon your shoulders.
Carry us to your pasture beneath the shadow of the Cross. Speak to us
words that bring peace. Amen
Dawn Ponnet