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1 Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22A
Psalm 89:16-17, 18-19
Mark 2:1-12
FIRST READING: “The elders of Israel came to Samuel and asked him
to appoint a king over everyone”. They just did not want to listen or
consider what Samuel was warning them to do. This set up a dialogue
that resulted in The Lord telling Samuel to “grant their request & ap-
point a king to rule them”.
The RESPONSORIAL Psalm is “for ever I will sing the goodness of the
Lord”. This further clarifies this division that we just read from Sam-
uel by saying “for to the Lord belongs our shield, and to the Holy One
of Israel, Our King”.
The GOSPEL from Mark is set in Capernaum, where Jesus spent a lot
of his earthly ministry. The Old Testament prophesied that He would
spend much of his time there. He performed a lot of miracles in that
area. The healing of
the paralytic is a moving
story of faith. “The
crowds were great and
the paralytic had to be
bought in through the
roof. Jesus saw their
faith and said to the
paralytic “child, your
sins are forgiven”