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But he did not stop there; he walked the walk among these outcasts, a model of
sincerity, simplicity and humility. No purple robes, golden crown or fatted calves
for him. His message was
love your neighbor
, meaning anyone who needs you.
He gave of himself, offering to the least preferred cupfuls of his mercy,
the cost would be his life.
How can we refresh ourselves with Jesus’ words, restoring anew forgiveness,
kindness, patience, acts of charity and love in our daily lives? Can we love our
neighbor? Is going to Mass enough? Is self-examination in order and quiet lis-
tening to the soft, small sigh that is God speaking to us, reaching out to make us
the person He want us to be?
Dear Lord, help me to see myself as others do.
Help me to be an example of your teachings.
Help me listen to the soft sigh of your voice.
I pray with a humble heart, Amen.
Nancy Lawrence
Parishioner and Catechist