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because the measure you use will not only be measured back to you, but
more. Should you reveal the Gospel, more will be revealed to you. If you love
your neighbor, your enemy and brother, more love will be given to you. If you
judge others, God will judge you far harsher than you judged. If you hate your
brother, even the love you think you have from him will be taken from you. But
those who embrace the Kingdom through faith in Jesus will be given more, even
as grace and mercy increase in the joy of living daily in the kindness of the Sav-
Holy God and Father. I thank you for this day. I believe you sent your Son to be
the Savior of the world and I am grateful for Jesus. I pray
that you will continue to use me to be a Kingdom- builder
and share the Good News to those in darkness and that I can
be a beacon of light to them. Knowing that I, too, am a sin-
ner and pray that you will forgive me my transgressions that I
may have communion with You, O Lord. In Jesus’ name, I
pray. Amen.
Doryce Bohana
Evangelization Team Member