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I began setting aside tangible items that reminded me of times in my life when I
saw God˅s faithfulness. These items remind me of the stories that go with them
so that I am able to tell that story to my children. Some of the items were placed
there during difficult and unsure times. Others were placed there during more
pleasant times. They are simple things, a coffee mug that says, ˈI surrenderˉ, our
daughter˅s glasses to remind us when we were unsure of the outcome of her eye
surgery and God˅s presence during that time. Those are just a couple of exam-
ples of my ˈstones of remembranceˉ.
I believe, the greatest ˈstone of remembranceˉ God has given to His people is
the Word of God. Reflection upon the Word of God is our reminder of the stories
of God˅s faithfulness and His commandments. Israel was given the Law that God
asked them to follow so they would be examples for other nations. God asks us
to follow them as well, to be examples for our family and to others.
Take time during this season of Lent, to dwell upon those times of God˅s faith-
fulness in your life. Set aside an item to start your own ˈstones of remem-
branceˉ. Continue to reflect upon the greatest ˈstoneˉ given to us: God˅s word.
God, as we move through this season of Lent, remind me of Your faithfulness in
my life so that I may give You thanks. Give me the strength and wisdom to tell
others of Your faithfulness. Let me always praise You and remember your com-
mandments. Remind me of the sacrifice Jesus made upon the cross to fulfill the
law, which You decreed, so that all the
world could know You and praise You.
Karen Evans
Living Your Gifts Facilitator