Page 57 - Lent2012v3b

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faithfulness. Our actions and our relationship with Jesus are predi-
cated on the knowledge and understanding passed down to us from
the time of David. We are to inherit God's kingdom on earth not be-
cause it has been deeded to us, but because we believe what Jesus
has taught us and are faithful to the law of God.
We often find ourselves searching everywhere for Jesus, forgetting
that He is always to be found in His Father's house. That is not to
say that holiness is found only at church, but instead to remind us to
search for truth in holy places, not in the secular world. If we look for
Him in love, in positive relationships, in kindness, in forgiveness, and
in the beauty of our natural world, we will always find Him.
Lord, help us to be ever mindful of our place in Your history and in
the long line of our faithful ancestors. Help us to rear our children in
this tradition of faith, and to teach them to search for meaning and
truth in all of Your holy places.
Eric Garland