Page 67 - Lent2012v3b

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swer is ˈYESˉ.
In John˅s gospel, he is not only preparing us for the condemnation of Jesus, but
also identifies a human flaw; our need to pass judgment. How many times have
you had discussions with your parents, sibling, friends and realized that the more
you spoke, the worse it became. Like Jeremiah, words, tone, perceptions,
sometimes the message just does not come across the way we think it should
have. The one truth of Jesus and what he was saying; he came from a position of
ˈLOVEˉ. Whether you are Jeremiah and relaying a tough message, helping a
loved one out of a tough spot, discussing life with your teenager, raising resilient
children, acting like Jesus to heal strained relationships, the one common truth we
can all strive for is; whatever we say or do, we do from a position of ˈLOVEˉ.
May we use LOVE as our guide in difficult situations and let God help us when we
are in need, and help God where we see the need.
Help us to be resilient, as we live out our faith and serve as your disciples.
We ask this in your name,
Robert Gallo
Parishioner, Holy Family School Spirituality Retreat Leader