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pable when I was being treated for a life threatening disease. God was at
my side in my family, friends and the professional team that was caring for
me. His presence eased my anxiety and pain when enduring numerous in-
vasive surgeries and treatments. He is present as I enjoy my healthy life.
I am driven to Mission Haiti to be close to God. I see His eyes and touch
His hands when we dance with the elderly or sing with the kids. I hear His
humor and witness His anger when I travel with Fr. Tom, who is truly
Christ˅s emissary on Earth.
I witness God˅s plan in joy as well. God is revealed as I experience the joy
of being a wife, mother, sibling and friend. I accept Him and am grateful to
Him for these blessings.
During this season of Lent I pray that I will accept God and act on all that
He has planned for me.
Father we thank you for the gift of this day. Help me to recognize the cross
that I must bear to achieve Your plan. Help me to understand what I must
do to accept that cross. Help me to recognize that what might be comfort-
able, success oriented, and ˈperfectˉ may distract me from the path to
You. Help me to accept and embrace Your will and not my temporal de-
sires. Help me to recognize the joy in Your plan. I will accept Your help and
choose You to achieve everlasting life.
Jessica Korzenecki
Pastoral Council,
Mission Haiti