Page 77 - Lent2012v3b

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that he is greater than Abraham and the prophets, and in fact, to have existed
before all history: ˈBefore Abraham came to be, I AMˉ. This they believe is blas-
phemy. They respond by throwing stones, dismissing Jesus as imposter.
When we are in pain, do we become
by our hatred, strident in our ap-
proach? Do others begin to fear us, feeling unwelcome in our midst? Is our per-
spective impaired? We are challenged to Jesus to believe fully that he is ˈfrom
Godˉ. We are called to accept Jesus in our hearts as ˈthe way, the truth and the
lifeˉ. If we are able to forge ahead in this struggle, a lifetime journey to a deeper
faith, we may even see Jesus˅ greatest ˈsignˉ of all, that we might be resurrected
from the ashes of disappointments, defeats, and disillusionments of our own
lives, thereby finding a new life after death.
Lord, we pray for the clarity of vision to see your presence in all deeds, especially
where anger and hatred obscure your grace.
Liz Gilfillan and Victoria Fuster
(Resident and Non-resident parishioners)